Clearing the Air
The synchronicity of viewing videos on clearing the clutter from our homes and lives this morning and the Full Moon in Aries is Magical. Tanaaz on her website "Forever Conscious" describes this astrological event as the opportunity to " free ourselves from any self-imposed barriers we have been hiding behind." In the Sunday morning show they displayed how some American families accumulate so much stuff, which overflows into every room of their home. The domicile itself becomes a warehouse without breathing and living space. All this stuff is literally blocking our lives with no room to breathe.
The full moon is always the perfect time to Lovingly Bless and Release that which no longer serves you. One can create a very healing ceremony with affirmations and decrees. Writing down a flexible schedule to clean cabinets, a few boxes a week, a section of the attic or basement are gentle ways to begin making room for LOVE and new relationships, opportunities, adventures, prosperity and infinite ways to live a more Magical and JOYful Life. Add Feng Shui. Since beginning my own Spiritual Journey I have been living differently. In releasing more often, I AM enjoying the many simpler pleasures of life, such as a wonderful cup of herbal tea.
Healing A City Anchored in the 3rd Dimensional Energies
Healing a City which is still anchored in the 3rd Dimensional Energies Change is a daily aspect of life on planet earth, yet Humanity has great difficulty in accepting change. This is true even if the familiar circumstances and situations are very painful. If a positive solution is offered which is healing but different, often people say "NO!, I am not interested". As we are a witness to the abrupt changes on Mother Gaia, it is only a part of her encouragement that life cannot continue as before. Ways that a city is still anchored in the 3rd Dimensional Realm.
1) Building boutique hotels & high rise condominiums, while there is an increasing number of people including children, living on the streets.
2) Mental health challenges publicly expressed without proper intervention 2) Destruction of the natural habitats of bees, birds, bats and butterflies.
3) Addictive behavior of smoking, drinking caffeine & alcohol, "drug" use, highly sweetened foods including vegan.
4) Public use of profane language
5) Increase in eating of meat
6) Dependency on electronics rather than a face to face afternoon or evening, in a serene environment.
7) Oblivious to observing what is right before you, in your own neighborhood, town and city
Send Blessings Everyday wherever You Are!
Protecting Our Precious Children
As a child my very wise German Czech mother said "never accept a ride from anyone, even if they have been a guest in our home." At the time I did not understand this, until my medical internship in Family Practice. Children are abused at least 85% of the time by people whom they know; relatives, family friends, teachers and other children. It is very important for all of us to be cognizant of a child's behavior and appearance when there is a sudden change. A child's disappearance is even more crucial. In addition, if you observe or hear that a child is being abused then immediately report it to child protective services, even anonymously. The primary concern is always the Child! We all are witnessing what has been occurring on the planet for generations. Those who have monetary wealth have sometimes used this power to abuse children beyond belief. These precious Beings of Light have so much to offer and until they are ready to go out into the world, they must be enveloped with such Love, Guidance and Protection.
Summer Fruits
Summer Fruits
The time is here when many people choose to travel the 🌍. Imagine traveling with your Intuition and just a few basic plans. Upon arrival at your destination, take time to ground yourself in your lodgings and in nature. Begin to feel what you truly desire. There is no need to visit every tourist site or go on every excursion with a tour group. Trust you Higher Self to guide you on an adventure, while being protected by Archangel Michael and open for a sweet and delicious Magical Journey with Archangel Raphael.
Magical Places:
1). San Francisco at Grant and Bush Cafe de la Presse; entrance to Chinatown and the Cathedral Notre Dame des Victoires meet.
2) Munich, Germany the National Opera; Maximilianstrasse and the Bavarian Restaurant “Spaten Haus” all meet. Enjoy great food while meeting new people at a community table.
3) Portland, Oregon the Magical Kingdom at the entrance to Washington Park
4) Los Angeles, CA the extraordinary 🌲 spirits on Santa Monica Blvd in Beverly Hills with their enormous roots. Sitting here become grounded and listen to their Divine Messages, just Ask and then Listen. Le Pain Quotidien on little Santa Monica Blvd. Il Cielo Ristorante is a couple blocks away.
5) Santorini, Greece the city of Ia (Oia) Contact me to Create Your Own.
Beauty in the World
Beauty in the World
There is such beauty in every corner of our planet. The fragrant aroma of these Sweetpeas from a farmer’s market, sitting at a local cafe watching people who are in Love and dipping your feet in a community fountain as children giggle. As you discover international cuisine in your neighborhood or across the globe, honor cultural traditions.
1) Say Hello; Thank You, Please and Good-bye formally in the language. English is one of the few languages in which we do not distinguish between knowing someone for years or those we have just recently met. Americans have a habit of becoming too familiar, too quickly. We say “Hello, how are you?”, without waiting for a response, and no idea how the person is truly feeling. Europeans feel that we are often insincere.
2) Bring a gift for the host and hostess. A beautiful bouquet, a bottle of wine, sparkling water or a handwritten Thank You note. While standing at the entrance say a silent “Blessing” for everyone at the event.
3) Purchase hand embroidered linen and hand made jewelry from a small shop or someone selling treasures on a beach. In Mexico the first morning sale brings luck for the day.
4) Observe your surroundings, there is much more traffic and infrastructure renovation than ever before.
Shining Your Authentic Light
Shining Your Light
“People don’t leave jobs, they leave toxic work cultures”
Dr. Amina Aitsi-Selmi
When you shine your Light, stand in your Authentic power, speak your Truth and Honor your Intuition , this is what sometimes frightens colleagues especially those in authoritative positions. At this time during our Ascension, when one responds by saying “Well we have always done it this way”. You then know that this is a place of dense energies and most likely at this time, not open for creating more expansively. This energetic environment also breeds jealousy, envy, sabotage and bullying. Most important Your gifts and talents are appreciated and needed elsewhere: a place which resonates on a Higher level and your Authenticity is embraced!
Happy Father’s Day Daddy
Photo from Creative Commons "Shaw_2013_HCParade_092" created by ShawU This photo is the epitomy of my Charles Hines, Sr.'s love for the Western Horsemanship as well as displaying 3 generations of African-American Men!
Happy Father’s Day Daddy and Bless You Jesse
Today is June 17, 2018 almost a month following Mother’s Day on May 13, 2018. It is said that the national and international phone lines are the busiest on Mother’s Day in comparison to any other day of the year. Christmas holidays are not celebrated by everyone, St. Valentine’s Day has become a favorite holiday across the globe, but everyone has a mother. Regardless if the relationship with the girl or woman who gave birth to us is close, distant or unknown there is an energetic bond which is always present. It is interesting that our personal power is represented by the Solar Plexus chakra above the belly button and below the diaphragm. Beneath this is the Core Star, an even deeper connection to our personal power. The belly button or umbilical cord, our connection to the mother who carried us for 10 lunar months, sits between the Solar Plexus and the Sacral Chakra. The latter is represented by our creativity and the balance of our sexual energy as well as the health of our sexual organs.
So where is the energetic bond to our Fathers? How do we honor those who have been present on all levels of a child's life as well as honor their responsibilities out in the world? I remember a patient in Los Angeles who broke into tears when he felt so betrayed by the mother of his unborn child. She had not discussed her decision to terminate the pregnancy with him. He felt forlorn and powerless. It is so important to include the fathers in our lives, regardless when they choose to become a part of it. In the movie "Ray" there was a scene when Ray Charles felt he did not want to conceive a child and become a father because he felt he would not be able to honor the responsibilities. He had no role model " I don't know if I can be a good father". His wife lovingly convinced him otherwise. Just as mothers teach us about self nurturing and being open to receiving with Love as well as honoring our intuitive abilities; fathers have these same attributes with more emphasis on expanding our gifts and talents out into the world and learning to give with Love. A father or male energy gives us the strength to go out into the world knowing we are safe and strong and with confidence, because he gives us those tools. His Love helps us to attract a male partner who embodies the attributes which we have experienced growing up. The spoken words resonate with the action, since children imitate what they see and hear. It is a known fact that the relationship a young girl has with her father becomes the basis for the type of boys and men she attracts. When there is unforgivingness between them, her life with males especially with a spouse will always have this uncomfortable, angry or sad underlying energy, until healing takes place. Thus a healthy relationship with and respect for our fathers translates into a belief that the Universe is generous. We know that we are being protected, loved and synchronicity is ever present. Magic is our heart’s desires matched with perfect Divine timing.
Father’s Day is celebrated in America within the same month as thousands of students graduating from academic institutions. The slogan for ads and cards reads Dads and Grads. It feels as if the attention given to fathers is so much less than given to mothers. In the U.S. families gather together for a BBQ in the backyard, along a lake or at the beach. Perhaps one of his gifts include a BBQ utensil, often a tie or shirt and perhaps he is also the one doing the cooking. C’est dommage! Brunches at a favorite restaurant or visiting family in the country create a joyful day for everyone. In Germany all of the males: husbands, brothers, uncles, grandfathers get together and hang out, without the female presence. In the Netherlands they announced in February 2018 that fathers now have a 6 week paternity leave following the birth of a child, this is also true for foster and adoptive parents.
Yet, as life on Mother Gaia is the most challenging in comparison to other planets, countless people do not live the life as portrayed in the magazine or television ads. What about the countless males who have no connection to their children, those boys and men who never knew they had fathered a child? Those who are absent because they have perished in war, been used to only offer his sperm so that a woman can have the child she has always wanted or been told by the courts that he has no rights or perhaps a few visitation dates on the calendar month. It is interesting how many societies ostracize a girl or woman for becoming pregnant without wedlock but do not command that the Papa is made responsible for the care of this child. What about the women who use a child, i.e. become pregnant, to get a man or a husband, especially if he is rich and famous? Then there are the innumerable children conceived and born as a result of military occupation and wartime. Most likely the numbers of offspring from inter-cultural liaisons in the Middle East and North Africa are nearly not as many as occurred in Europe during WWI and WWII. The belief in Islam in various countries, recent conflicts and the tremendous societal pressures and disgrace which fall upon young girls and women, even leading to death, have most likely decreased the relationship with the occupying forces and the native females.
A life with the presence of both men and women is wonderful and the perfect balance of each can truly exist. Each has the energies of the Divine masculine and Divine feminine and a perfect union is when they honor their gifts and anchor their lives in LOVE! This is also true for those of same sex unions. Just as mothers teach us about self nurturing, receiving and honoring our intuitive abilities as powerful gifts to share; fathers have these same attributes with more emphasis on expanding out into the world and giving.
When my mother made her transition on April 10, 2002, on my father’s birthdate, it was a sign for me to connect with him. The Creator aligned all of the energies and within one month we were speaking on the phone, a few weeks before my own birthday. I was also granted my prayer request that when he was ready to make his passage to heaven, I would accompany him to the other side of the Veil. Following his passing I had a channeled reading from a good friend Betty who stated that my father wanted me to believe in Magic! Betty’s birthday was also April 10.
This celebration is dedicated to Charles Hines, Senior, the man who gave me a life and to the father whom I never knew, who gave me life. At the local art & supplies store BLICK, yesterday they celebrated with creative painting of leather pieces. My father had a fascination and affinity for the Mexican culture: horseman, riding gear, history and food. He spent hours with his leather pieces across our wooden dining table pounding and hammering original symbols in precise patterns for his saddle. Thank You Daddy for:
1) Teaching me how to type on my Royal typewriter at the age of 11
2) Teaching how to horseback ride and ride in the Watts Summer Festival parades
3) My Love in eating sardines and raw onions
4) Appreciating the Mexican culture: food, trips to Tijuana
5) Firmly stating that I was not to accept racism or prejudice as a normal part of life
6) Firmly commanding with colorful language to neighbors that it was not OK to call me the"N"word.
7) Telling the mayor of Fitchburg, Mass. that he should grow more prize winning tulips when he came to our apartment and said I should be punished for stealing his tulips.
8)Teaching me and Mommy about baking soda as a tooth whitener. (He had all of his own teeth when he made his transition at the age of 82).
9) Embracing me into your life after a 20 year hiatus and that I was there holding your beautiful manicured hands as you made your transition into Heaven.
I am also dedicating this article to Jesse and Frankie, a loving and tender Papa to his furry feline Frankie. He has known her since she was a kitten, 18 years ago, which ironically adds up to 9, an ending of a phase of life. I was privileged to have met Frankie a couple of years ago, performed a healing session and this week was told that her health was declining. She responded well to the session taking a short walk in the front yard on a sunny day in Portland and then cooling off on the pavement near the fragrant rose bush. Here I offered my healing gifts and then hugged her, expressing my love verbally. Once I came home she gave me a message:” I AM ready to go home to GOD and I AM so appreciative to my daddy for the love ❤️ which he so unconditionally gave to me, I will come back at another time”. I saw Frankie walking past the pearly gates completely healed, with a bounce in her step and her tail straight up. 🐱 😊. Jesse possesses the qualities of a loving and nurturing parent as well as the protective and gentle nature of a Papa bear, the perfect melange of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies. On Father’s Day he surrendered his baby girl to heaven finally releasing her from the overwhelming physical pain. Bless YOU Jesse and Frankie!
Frankie and Jesse both in Pensive Moods.
Frankie Being her Sweet Self
Frankie in one of her favorite spots
copyright 2018 Berta Maria Hines, M.D.
Happy Mother's Day and A Celebration of the Divine Feminine: Thank you MAMA
Happy Mother's Day and the Celebration of the Divine Feminine
The Divine Feminine Energy is that of expressing self-nurturing and expanding this outwards, compassion and the ability to receive all of the gifts which the Creator has to offer. The Divine Masculine Energy is giving and expansive, which prepares us to go into the world knowing that the Universe is generous and abundant. Life is about the balance of all good things. In every relationship even those in same sex, there is one person who demonstrates more of the female qualities and the other the male qualities. So a celebration of Mother's Day is really honoring the feminine attributes which we were all inherently given.
There is a song by the Intruders from the 1970's "I'll Always Love My Mama". This first set of lyrics continues with "she's my favorite girl, you only get one, yeah". Yet, I was blessed with 2 mothers in this lifetime. Ingeborg Hermine who gave me life and Marianne who gave me a life. I was fortunate to meet Ingeborg on 2 occasions, when I flew to Germany to visit family. I understood the reason I was not suppose to be raised by her and her new husband. I know in my heart and from our tête-à-tête conversations that she greatly suffered in having to give me up, for I was her first born and only girl. As a physical result of this suffering, she developed a severe curvature of her spine called kyphoscoliosis such that her lungs were pushed into her heart. On an energetic level and as a gifted healer I honor and accept that the respiratory system is related to unresolved or unhealed grief. Of course the heart represents love and forgiveness. As a physician in Family Medicine, I realized that people may take months and years to forgive others but as humans we take even longer to forgive ourselves and sometimes never.
It was exactly 14 Mother's Day celebrations ago in which I gave the eulogy for my mother Marianne Hines, at the Self-Realization Fellowship Center in Pacific Palisades, California. My mother had made her transition on April 10, 2002, which happened to be my father's birth date. I believe it was a very clear ethereal message for me to connect with him, after a 20 year hiatus. Five years later he and I had a wonderful reunion. One month later he was in the ICU for exactly one month, and I held his hands everyday until his last breath. Father Mother GOD had answered my prayers to at least be there for him in a way I could not be for my 2 mothers.
Both of my mothers have made their transition now and I do not cry as much as I used to on these special holidays. Fortunately, I have worked with St. Germain, his angels of the 7th ray and the golden violet sacred fire flame for years. Much deep sadness of my soul from many lifetimes and partly which I inherited from Ingeborg and Marianne has been transmuted by this gift to humanity. Any child who lives through a war does not grow up unscathed, just as soldiers do not. In medical school we are taught that if a patient is diagnosed with a type of cancer, we begin looking at the family history. Then we begin calculating the risk of inheriting other terminal diseases for the patient. Yet, I believe with breast cancer for example, it is about the generational keeping of secrets. Children grow up in certain environments where they know energetically that information is being kept from them. As time goes on, information is hidden, protected and most of all lied about or original truths are changed. Children will always know because there is a inner family circle of gossip, and something always slips or is "accidentally revealed". The manifestation of breast cancer is the inheritance of energy such as the constant nurturing of others with little or no self-care. In addition there is the accumulation of anger at self and others and finally all of the deeply hidden secrets along the female line. Ironically, men can be given a diagnosis of breast cancer, albeit rare.
I AM honoring and Blessing all those:
a) Mamas who gave birth in very challenging situations.
b) Nënë, Mëmë (Albanian) who taught their children to stand in their Power, speak their Truth and always live Authentically.
c) Ahm (Arabic) who had the courage to gave up her children for foster care or adoption. Sometimes changing her mind because she had been too young or was literally forced to do so.
d) Ama (Basque) who chose to marry someone, or have children, or adopt children with multi-ethnic heritages, perhaps different from her own and taught them Pride in who they really are.
e) Madre (Norwegian) who did the best they could and sometimes lived with many "regrets". Please always forgive them through all time and space.
c) Macii (Byelorussian) who raised her one or more children without much support from family and the government.
d) माँ के दिन (Hindi) who have done much Inner Soul work, while raising a family.
e) Mare (Catalan) who finally had the courage to leave an abusive relationship whether with a spouse or family and to create a new life for herself and her children.
f) Nana (Chechen) who began practicing Self-Care of mind, body and spirit before caring for others, first and foremost.
g) Ema (Estonian) who completed her education from high school diplomas to their PhD's and M.D's.
h) Maman (French) who chose to do home schooling even as a single parent, for 4 little ones.
i) Nai (Galician) who made the decision to finally end generational abuse, beginning with herself.
j) MÃ na (Greek) who made a decision to stop wearing black for a spouse who passed and began to live vibrantly in living color.
k) Makuahine (Hawaiian) who chose to dress the age that she felt without the restrictions of the fashion industry, her family or friends.
l) Induk, Ibu, Biang, Nyokap (Indonesian) who feels that there is no job, career, relationship or domicile in the world, worth giving up her power in the form of abuse of any kind.
m) Okaasan, Haha (Japanese) who knows that complementing her beauty is not connected to displaying nudity to attract attention or covering up from head to toe in order to accept a supposed "religious law."
n) Ewe, Haakui (Maori) who experienced a civil or international war and did what she had to in order to survive along with their children.
0) Madr, Maman (Persian) who learned through her children about unconditional love, by becoming more physically affectionate with constant hugging, kissing and loving complements. Something she did not experience in her own childhood.
p) Matka, Mama (Polish) who finally forgave herself for attracting men and women into her life, who abused her children, when she had trusted these people.
q) Mama, Mzazi, Mzaa (Swahili) who was the best cook because that's how she showed love. Or she wasn't the best cook but demonstrated so many other gifts.
r) Anne, Ana, Valide (Turkish) who made all of her families clothes because they had no money or she was an emanation of Coco Chanel.
s) Mati (Ukrainian) who knew she was an Angel and Light Alchemist.
t) Ammee (Urdu) who always wanted children but thought she wouldn't be a good mother because of her upbringing or beliefs she accepted from others.
u) Moæ( Zeneize) who is a mother to her furry children.
v) Omm (Maltese) who is a mother missing her child that ran away. May she connect with the child's Soul and embrace it with LOVE always.
w) Aayi (Marathi) who experienced the death of one or more children, perhaps blaming herself and unable to move past the grief. She is surrounded with the LOVE and Forgiveness of all the Angels, Archangel Michael and Divine Mother Mary
x)`eh (Mongolian) who chose to end a pregnancy for a variety of reasons, Bless Her Always as well as the child and children.
Pamper yourself with LOVE today and always as well as whatever gives you JOY, is healthy and truly honors you as a Being of Light!
I AM Wishing All Visitors to my website and your Loved Ones A Very Magical and JOYful "Mama's Day and Life.
2018 copyright Berta Maria Hines, M.D.
Healing Hearts Cards by Dr. Berta Maria Hines
2011 Copyright Dr. Berta Maria Hines
A Magical and JOYful Holiday
Ein Herzl
Die Goldene Kugel
Christkindl Markt in Jena, Thuringia, Germany
A Magical and JOYful Holiday with A Gift Exchange
I love Christmas and it is truly my favorite holiday. I am like a child and these qualities keep me connected to the memory of a four year old, who celebrated traditional holidays on magical winters' nights in Augsburg, Germany. It was at this age when I was adopted by my second mother Marianne. Augsburg is the most beautiful city in Germany and during this time of year it was decorated with the pine fragrance of Tannenbaum trees lit with real red or white candles. White snow glistened off the red clay angular rooftops bringing a cool breeze through the fireplace mixed with the aroma of anise from the baking of "Lebkuchen" by my Oma and godmother Anna. This was equaled by my anticipation in waiting for "St. Nicholaus."
Still today every village, town & city have their own "Christkindl Markt". We stand outside in the square decorated with a Nativity scene, kiosks are selling "Glüwein", hot apple cider and hot chocolate to warm your body and soul. Family, friends and neighbors snuggle close while they catch up on old news and offer invitations to “Kaffee und Kuchen” on a Sunday afternoon or to a "Wein Stube" or a ski weekend. Eating the apple fritters topped with cinnamon and dipped in applesauce while strolling the winding avenues of the marketplace, always puts me more in the festive mood, especially as an adult spending my holidays in Germany. I am like a wide-eyed child mesmerized by the beautifully glass blown, hand painted vibrant wintry scenes and natural hand carved ornaments. There are wooden toys for all ages, ceramic dishes, exquisite glassware and handmade embroidered linen from nuns living in a cloister. The opening of gifts and our family feast begins at 7 in the evening on "Heiligen Abend", the 24th of December. This is still a precious time in my heart. What is it about childhood memories and their affinity for a traditional celebration, the aromas which remain indelibly imprinted into all of our senses? It does not matter which time of year, the scent of anise takes me to that special time in my life.
If the experiences in your life have washed away the innocence of your dreams, then observe the excitement of a child standing in line to meet Santa or their expressions as they cuddle to hear Christmas stories on a starlit winter's eve. Each neighborhood, village, town or city has its own energy and ways of celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. There are more similarities in these religious and cultural holidays than we truly honor. The twinkling of the lights along Castro Street in Mountain View, California after an evening rain, the smell of wood from fireplaces and the warmth of the stores with an alluring aroma of cinnamon are all joyful. There is the belief that your life is filled with infinite possibilities. You can hear and feel the whisper of the Angels. Just listen. Even businesses are now beginning to have signs displaying "Be the Light".
This is the antithesis of the madness in grabbing articles on sale, demanding service NOW, being so disappointed when the last Santa mugs have been sold throughout the country. Sales begin at 5 am with the same major stores advertising every season. Imagine this financial investment being used to house, clothe and feed those truly in need. The message of giving doesn't seem to get across as much as the fear of not having, getting or buying the gift that is on sale NOW. If everyone was asked if they would like to enjoy a holiday celebration the way it is depicted in the media; appearance of a perfect family in a beautiful dining room, enjoying a traditional holiday feast which coincides with their own culture, I am certain most people would say YES! What separates a shopper at the Stanford Mall in Palo Alto or along Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, both upscale neighborhoods in California, from the person without a physical home. It is only the feeling of separation. No child or adult grows up aspiring to be "Homeless". One year you are a family of 4 or 6 and the next it is just YOU! The one Gift that everyone yearns to receive is that of LOVE and LIGHT: acceptance, forgiveness, an embrace, support and opportunities to create a life of JOY. This is the highest vibration encompassing Love, Light, Peace and the Abundance of All Good things including perfect health and wealth. I am inviting everyone this year to connect to their inner child and believe in the Magical JOY which is here. Give with Love because the intention of your giving will always be Felt.
If the following healing tools of wisdom and knowledge resonate with you, then I welcome a Love Donation via website as the gift exchange.
Bringing Love and Light into Your Own Life
The holiday season seems to be wrapped in so much stress while preparing feasts for others, completing year end projects and business, attending parties and plays, purchasing gifts and cleaning house. The last person we often think about is ourselves. Yet, this is where the true Giving begins. Create a holiday this year where you honor your own needs first and this Self-Love will expand out into every aspect of your life and the Universe. Take the time to write in a Gratitude journal and honor the little things for which you are “Greatful”. Learn to say NO to people who often feel they can depend on you for continuous favors. Thus, when you give it is now coming from a place in your Heart Palace lovingly without guilt or obligation. Know that the value of who you truly are can never be equated with money or objects, only the Love which you are. This is enhanced by the balance of giving and receiving. If you notice someone who has purchased many beautiful gifts, some in designer bags, rather than feeling envy or "not enough" send them Love and Light. Wish them a magical holiday. Perhaps they have recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness and feel no Hope; it may be their last Hanukkah or Kwanzaa celebration. Perhaps they are reuniting with a long lost Love or family. They may just be treating themselves to a generous celebration for the first time. Release all judgments and assumptions. Most of all use your own Intuitive gifts for making decisions on what is perfect for you in every aspect of your life. Honor what resonates in this article with your Heart and Soul and hopefully it will encourage to believe in Magic.
1) THE POWER OF INTENTION: Begin by writing your intentions for your own Magical Holiday in a beautiful journal and for your eyes only. Ground yourself daily by visualizing your feet and base of the spine, as they connect to the crystalline diamond ruby core of Mother Earth. This will minimize you feeling wobbly out in the world.
2) SELF-PAMPERING: Take relaxing bathes or showers with candle light and soft music. Add the healing influences of aromatherapy such as lavender (soothing, relaxing and cleansing); ylang ylang ( an aphrodisiac) and eucalyptus ( soothing, clears the upper and lower respiratory airways & a muscle relaxant). Gently exfoliate the skin cells due to colder weather and warmer fabrics, followed by a bath oil or a nice moisturizing cream or lotion. Make certain to include your feet and hands. Adding Himalayan or sea salt, Epsom salt or apple cider vinegar to your bath water will cleanse your aura, the magnetic field around you and open up your chakras. The anger or lack/ limitation energies which you may have absorbed in the mall will be washed away. There is a beautiful book entitled "Spiritual Bathing". Burn candles and while watching the flame, focus on your heart's desires. Play classical music or songs from Chris Botti and Andrea Bocelli. Knowledge: Tru Melange candles; Dr. Hauschka, Weleda, Andalou, Acure, 100% Pure and One Love Organics skincare.
3) RELEASING THE DAY: Before going to sleep listen to meditative music or sounds of nature to also assist in releasing the dense energies which you may have absorbed. Forgive yourself first and foremost and then everyone else, for what you think you may have done. Wisdom: Connect with the Goddess of Compassion Lady Master Quan Yin. Cup your hands in front of your Heart Palace (mid chest) and allow her Golden Light to pour in then place your cupped hands over your heart.
4) A SERENE SLUMBER: Get a good night’s rest by avoiding watching T.V., especially violent media & films. Turn off all electronics. Remove the television, computers & phone from your bedroom or sleeping area. The last thought you have will remain in your subconscious and enter your dream state. Knowledge: Sip a cup of Honey Lavender tea by Yogi Teas as you silently state what you are "greatful" for.
5) GRATITUDE: State all that you are “Greatful” for during the day and forgive everyone beginning with yourself. Know that everyday you do your BEST and everyday your BEST is different.
6) SELF-LOVE: Connect with your Inner Child and celebrate with them in mind. Snuggle with your pet and listen to their wisdom, see it in their eyes. Wisdom: Whenever you are feeling sad, lonely, grief stricken place your hands one over the other upon your heart and say " I AM Love, I AM Loved". The fragrance of authentic rose essential oil and a rose quartz placed over your heart are wonderful ways to heal from any loss.
7) REFLECTION: At least a few times a week spend time with YOURSELF. Think about what is truly important to you and at the end of this year. Walk in nature and breathe the fresh air, communicate with and hug a tree. This energy is very grounding. Observe how meticulous a squirrel is when he buries a nut or a piece of food and after makes certain that the ground and the grass appear well manicured. Pretend your are rubbing their little white tummies as they sit up catching your eye and giggling like the Pilsbury dough boy. Wisdom: In connecting with the Tree Spirits ask for their wisdom, pose a question of what you would like to know or ask for a message. The first words which come into your mind is the answer, you will get better with practice.
8) SPIRITUAL THEMES & TUNES: See "The Secret" “The Celestine Prophecy” or the original "The Razor's Edge". Listen to the 9 Solfeggios via Youtube. Knowledge: Release speaking ill about others and the use of profane language, otherwise you will draw this dense energy to you, multiple fold.
9) AHHH A SPA: Spend a few hours or a whole day at a local spa, which focuses on organic and clean skincare lines. The detoxifying treatments are great when one has eaten lots of sweets and animal fats as well as drank a lot of sodas or alcohol and been exposed to tobacco. Caffeine in chocolate, coffee and tea as well as alcohol are all diuretics. It is important to replenish the fluids lost with clean water and also coconut water. Bottles of water in clear glass containers have a higher vibrational frequency and thus more healing properties. Speak with your doctor or clinician regarding which spa treatments are appropriate as well as your dietary changes. Knowledge: Yogi Tea has a Peach Detox and each bag has words of wisdom. Kombuchas are cleansing as well as nourishing and contain billions of healthy bacteria, also called "friendly flora" or "live cultures". Probiotics in raw fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented vegetables, kefir & yogurt, miso, tempeh and kvass support digestion, boost energy, support the immune system (at least 70% of our immune system is in the GI tract), elevate our brain and mood functions by creating up to 95% of our serotonin via GI bacteria. These probiotics also assist in weight loss, vitamin and mineral absorption and improving skin & dental health.
10) JUST FOR ME: Prepare an exquisite winter's meal just for you: hot soup, warm bread, perhaps some salad made with fresh organic ingredients. Prepare the table as if royalty were invited. YOU! Play soft music, and put on warm and convertible clothing in natural fibers, such as cotton, silk, cashmere, bamboo and rayon. They permit the skin to breathe. Refrain from using a microwave to cook or heat food. It lowers the vibrational frequency, i.e., the nutritional value, as well as changing the taste and color. Using a convection or regular oven is much healthier. Knowledge: Dr. Jameth Sheridan created an array of superfoods called "Healthforce Superfoods" such as Vitamineral Green and Vitamineral Earth. Even if you only eat the best plant diet, we cannot obtain all of the required nutrients in our daily meals.
11) I SUPPORT MY COMMUNITY: Each town or city has many wonderful boutiques with creative and unusual items. Spending your money in a small or family owned business benefits the community in many ways. Internet shopping is convenient, but these local businesses may not survive until next Christmas. At least 70% of their revenue remains in the community. Browse a spiritual or esoteric store. Local museum gift shops are an absolute treasure selling everything from scarves, jewelry, purses, books to children's toys from around the world.
12) SIMPLE PLEASURES IN A TREASURE: Browse the second-hand stores which often sell newly bought items at a bargain price. A one-hundred year old tea set from Meissen, Nymphenburg, or Limoges is a wonderful way to spoil yourself in the wee hours of the night, while wrapping gifts or contemplating the accomplishments of the day. Knowledge: Goodwill stores can have some of the most exquisite finds if you take the time. Ask for Archangel Michael to protect you as you enter any second-hand businesses due to their draining energies from all of the objects.
13) MY HIGHER SELF: Winter is a time of reflection and rest. Think of the hibernating nature of the animal kingdom. Plan to be at One with your Higher Self and the Creator. Choose very special people with whom to connect spiritually during this holiday season. Have a light and nutritious meal and write in affirmative sentences the new Life you are creating for the new year beginning NOW. Cuddle on your sofa with your favorite blanket and take a nap. Then begin to visualize the past year and how you have been given new chances to create everything on a greater and more healing level. Honor who You really are. Affirm the Love, Light, Prosperity, Joy and Perfect Health which are already your Divine birthright. And Believe it! Wisdom: Speak in Affirmatives as if you already have what you desire. Our Heart's Desires are more than what we want, what we feel we deserve or can get and what others think we deserve.
14) PRACTICING SILENCE: When your schedule becomes overwhelming, take a vow of silence for a few hours, a day or a weekend. Write on a sheet of paper “I AM Practicing Silence” and show it to everyone with whom you normally have a conversation, even when going shopping during these hectic times. In my own experiences people become more centered, respectful, less anxious and often feel they too have to be silent. Just write your questions/comments on a paper. You will have so much more energy as well as not being pulled into the drama of everyone around you. This also literally brings more Peace into your life and expands outward. Wisdom: Inner Peace is the way to World Peace.
15) LESSONS & BLESSINGS: Lovingly Bless and Release the relationships which have brought pain and grief into your life. Let go of those that no longer seem to serve your greatest and highest Good. Remember their Lessons and Blessings and Forgive. Release the expression " I dumped him or she got dumped", garbage is dumped, people have the power to make their own choices. You can create your own ceremony by writing letters to loved ones you have lost, even pets and homes. At the end of the letter express your love and forgiveness. Subsequently tear it up and burn outdoors in a safe manner. Doing this in nature has a more healing effect. Trust that your Heart will guide your words and do what feels right for you. I have mentioned forgiveness often because in my practice of Family Medicine and now in my healing session, humanity struggles with self-forgiveness more than forgiving others.
16) ARCHANGELS & ANGELS: When spending time with yourself, be open to communicating with your Angels. Everyone has at least one Guardian Angel. There are 15 well known Archangels but so many more, each with their own special gifts. You can ask them for anything even a parking space in the most crowded mall, truly. Our wishes are granted in ways that are only for our Highest and Greatest Good and appear differently than we expect. Wisdom: I often ask my Beloved Divine Entourage to accompany me throughout the day, if I AM feeling extra sensitive or uneasy. They have a wonderful sense of humor. So BE observant of the world around you.
17) A MEDITATIVE STATE: Learn to meditate or take a yoga class. Even taking one class will open your chakras, the energy centers along your spine and as a result, you will feel better in many ways and think more clearly. Any good yoga instructor is flexible in accommodating various ages and physical challenges. Wisdom: Meditation can be just sitting still and Being with or without music, looking out at a star lit night, observing the light of a candle or focusing on your Breathe. Observe where this takes you.
18) ENVISION A MAGICAL OUTCOME: Change the Energy and entire mood of your family gathering from previous years, ones in which repeated expressions of pain and anger are projected. This may be one reason for the common statement, " I hate the holidays". Refrain from blame. You can heal the atmosphere before attending the event or traveling home. Imagine the home and the meals surrounded by Love and Light, send Light to all family members and guests and express how much they are loved. Continue to visualize this scene days before your gathering. Be creative and observe what happens. Once you arrive focus only on the Love and the Light. If the boundaries which you have set are being ignored, sometimes it is better to leave that environment, all the while sending Love and Light. Each person has the right to free will and only you can make the choices which Honor You! Wisdom: Affirm "I Believe in Magic, My Life is filled with Magical JOY and JOYful Magic". Ask your Beloved Divine Entourage to assist.
It is the feeling of Joy in your Heart and Soul while giving, which brings warmth into someone's life. It is the Intention of the giving which holds so much Power. Imagine if someone gave you a Tiffany jewelry box containing an exquisite gemstone ring and the intention of giving feels as if the person is doing you a favor. Although you have yearned for this beautiful piece of jewelry, their words are unkind and you feel dishonored and empty. Now, imagine if someone showed you their cupped hands and stated "All I have to give you is a Blessing", while expressing all the Love in their heart for you.
Mio's Delectables at PSU Saturday Market, Portland, OR
Greg's Market Gourmet at PSU Saturday Market, Portland, OR
The Gift of Giving
1) Everyone you meet, silently say to them while looking into their eyes and connecting with their Soul, “I wish you Love and Light" " You are Blessed".
2) Year end meetings and wrapping up projects- Imagine everyone working together surrounded by Love and Light with the perfect solutions at hand.
3) Everyday compliment "a stranger" on how beautiful they look, their patience or how amazing they are to have found that "last" particular item. I have often expressed to someone “You have a beautiful Soul."
4) Smile, be courteous and patient when relating to everyone who is offering a service. Most people working in stores are not paid very well and have two jobs. In addition, they usually do not receive a Christmas bonus. The store may look magnificent to the public, not an item out of place, but their lunch/ break room is of another world. They are constantly pressured to reach astronomical quotas during this season. Some are even "let go" before the bonus is paid. If you feel from your heart that it is right to tip a little extra then do so and discreetly. You may buy them a nice pastry, a gift card for a meal or even cash. Your appreciation from the heart is a healing balm.
5) Send Love and Light to all children where war has destroyed a part of their childhood. If you have children's clothes to give, send them to another country, an orphanage, teen home or a neighborhood shelter.
6) Perform a house cleaning of your closets and garages and lovingly give clean clothes, toys, jewelry, etc. to a woman's shelter. They are often forced to leave their homes with their children, bringing only the clothes which they are wearing. In an effort to begin a new Life and go on an interview, it fills one with dignity to have on a beautiful suit.
7) Sending Love and Light to all men fighting in a war allows them one day to rebuild their lives and homes, to Forgive and live in Peace! Invite a VET to your home for a family dinner.
8) Light a candle for all soldiers in your hometown who have lost their lives or have now come home to try to rebuild their "shattered" physical and emotional lives. War affects us in ways many of us cannot even imagine.
9) Send Love and Light to the White House and all governments around the world, to truly go deep within and focus only on Peace. Remember that one person can make a world of difference because we are each so very powerful. World Peace begins with our own Inner Peace.
10) Buy a few toiletries for men and women at a local drugstore, ask for samples everywhere you shop and put them in nice Christmas bags with a note saying To: Someone Special From: Santa or Your Earth Angel. You can distribute these gifts at a local community center, free clinic and to people at bus & train stations or elsewhere in your community to those without a physical home. Do your best to focus on eco- friendly products without synthetics.
11) Buy an assortment of Christmas cookies, fruits and nuts and place in colorful holiday bags or boxes. Bake homemade goodies. Give to people in your community who have much less. Give them to your guests as they leave your home from an evening of good cheer.
12) Volunteer at a Teen Home and donate the time and perhaps tickets to see a play or concert.
13) Read stories about Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Christmas in another language to a group of children or patients living in a convalescent home. Read to someone who is in a coma, connect with and awaken their Soul. The majestic books by Demi are truly works of art: One Grain of Rice; the Buddha, Jesus,
14) Buy a wonderful collection of books, toys, games, coloring pencils at an independent bookstore. Donate these gifts. Mandalas are amazing pieces of art which can be found in coloring books for children and adults. The act of coloring these Tibetan designs is inherently healing.
15) If you attend a gala evening, an office party or any holiday celebration ask the restaurant or waiter to prepare a nice “doggy bag”and offer it to someone who is bed-ridden, home bound or living without a physical home. There is a lot of food discarded at buffets, so prepare a small plate for yourself eating only what you can and then return for more servings. Ask if the remaining food can be donated to a place in need. Let go of the Fear that giving food to someone will lead to a lawsuit if they become ill. When your Intention is to give with Love and Light the Fear disappears.
16) Stroll the Farmer's Markets and honor the hard work which they so passionately perform all year long. Cater your festive events with orange, yellow, red and blue organic tomatoes, homemade stuffed ravioli, cheesecake and organic strawberries that taste like summertime. Buy an assortment of international pastries. Place multi-colored roses which are often without their delicious aroma with a few fragrant flowers in the guestroom. Add gourmet chocolates.
17) Invite someone to have a holiday meal or see a movie who is 80 years young and has lost their Beloved. On Christmas day, during Hanukkah or Kwanzaa invite them to pick up their gifts under the tree. Adopt them as a grandparent or new family member.
18) Children are very sensitive to their environment especially other people's auras. If your child is irritable or crying in a particular store or restaurant, please acknowledge this. They are feeling the dense energies of stress, grief or anger. Take them to a more neutral area or outside perhaps sitting on a bench, holding them in your arms and singing a lullaby. Let them know they are loved and safe. Perhaps it is time to leave. The children who have been born in the last 10 years are highly sensitive: Crystal, Rainbow & Star children.
19) Our Pets may be our furry children but many public places are just not appropriate or safe. They absorb all the energy around them just as children do. Refrain from taking them to indoor malls, loud events especially where alcohol is served and any crowded venues.
20) Send hand-written Thank You notes or cards to all who have extended an invitation this holiday season.
21) Always bring a Gift when entering someone's home. It may be flowers, a plant, your own creation of cookies or a card. When you cannot bring gifts which have been bought, offer a Blessing as you greet them.
22) Buy a few gifts for someone special which focus on a theme: Chocolate; a book on the history of chocolate, dessert cookbook, DVD film "Chocolat ", Putamayo CD "Chocolate Lands"and "Teuscher of Switzerland" or “Verdun of Lebanon” chocolates. Connect to their Inner Child, buy something from the children's department like a little chocolate colored cuddly baby teddy bear. Consider the "Greek Odyssey" CD by Putamayo plus cooking authentic vegetarian Greek cuisine.
23) Carefully choose a handful of very special holiday cards for people in your life. Write a few lines about the place they hold in your Heart.
24) Be an Earth Angel to a colleague or neighbor with whom life has been truly challenging. Leave small gifts on their desk or at the door. Write a Blessing on a beautifully designed note card. The people who challenge us the most are often our greatest teachers.
Hanukka Celebration of the Jewish Faith at the Treasury Casino in Brisbane, Australia
Kwanzaa Celebration of the African and African-American History & Cultures
Kwanzaa Celebration and the Attributes of Each Day from December 26-January 1
"Stollen" bread with fruits and nuts
Traditional Lebkuchen from Nürnberg
All photos on this Blog page are from Creative Commons and given freely. Thank You!
Copyright 2017 Berta Maria Hines, M.D.
You are welcome to share this article but in its entirety and giving full credit to the author. Thank You