The synchronicity of viewing videos on clearing the clutter from our homes and lives this morning and the Full Moon in Aries is Magical. Tanaaz on her website "Forever Conscious" describes this astrological event as the opportunity to " free ourselves from any self-imposed barriers we have been hiding behind." In the Sunday morning show they displayed how some American families accumulate so much stuff, which overflows into every room of their home. The domicile itself becomes a warehouse without breathing and living space. All this stuff is literally blocking our lives with no room to breathe.
The full moon is always the perfect time to Lovingly Bless and Release that which no longer serves you. One can create a very healing ceremony with affirmations and decrees. Writing down a flexible schedule to clean cabinets, a few boxes a week, a section of the attic or basement are gentle ways to begin making room for LOVE and new relationships, opportunities, adventures, prosperity and infinite ways to live a more Magical and JOYful Life. Add Feng Shui. Since beginning my own Spiritual Journey I have been living differently. In releasing more often, I AM enjoying the many simpler pleasures of life, such as a wonderful cup of herbal tea.