Beloved Archangel Gabriel Supports Our Communication


        At Meharry Medical College and during my post graduate training, it was an inherent part of our education to give presentations to varied sized audiences: 5 minutes on an anatomical function of the body; 10 minutes at Show and Tell, 20 minutes for rounds on our patients and 30-40 minutes for Grand Rounds or an international medical conference.
        The first time I spoke in front of an audience was in the 6th grade, for a parent-teacher night on the Taj Mahal in the exotic location of India.  Our class had created a beautiful mural focusing on the highlights of this marble memorial for the Beloved 
Mumtaz Mahal, by the Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan
        During my freshman year in medical school, each student was given an assignment by our anatomy professors.  It was only a 5 minute talk, however I was so nervous my legs were literally shaking.  One of my classmates who was seated in the first row was laughing the entire time.  Subsequently I decided that I must find a way to move through this challenge and speak to the public with joy, ease and grace.  The discovery was to always speak from my Heart on one of my passions.
         In 1995 I created a lecture series on " Intuition and the Practice of Medicine".  The 25 pages were written in one day while sitting on my couch in my beautiful apartment in the Pacific Palisades, California.  It felt as if the information was a channeled message, perhaps because I lived 2 blocks from the Self-Realization Lake Shrine founded by the Ascended Master Parahmansa Yogananda.  This gift was offered to a myriad of specialties including orthopedics, radiology, emergency medicine, cardiovascular surgery, dermatology, internal medicine, family medicine and 1st year medical students.  I even tried to become a part of the UCLA Medical Center as a part-time lecturer.  Only a few departments were interested and because I was so eager to share this wisdom and knowledge I did not receive any honorariums.
          Since that auspicious occasion I have spoken to non-profit organizations in California and Oregon well as at an international Cardiovascular Center in northern Germany.  As a result of this passion I can easily tailor a seminar or workshop for any audience on my areas of expertise.  These include  1) Healing of Grief  2) the changes and challenges in clinical medicine since the 1980's  3) Ascension  4) My Spiritual Journey     5) Pearls of Wisdom for Living A Well-Being Life   6) Growing Up as a Multi-Racial Child   7) Pets in Our Lives to name a few.  These combined with my healing voice are a very magical experience for my self and the participants, as described by one person.



1997:   "Napflion: A Greek Port" in the Palisadian Post Winner in a travel writing contest in Pacific Palisades, CA 2009:  "Heart and Soul" for The Well-Being Journal January-February issue                                                                             2009:  "Healing for the Animals" for The Equestrian News. The article was written by the founder & publisher Nancy Cole Silverman.  I performed a session on her beloved horse. While observing him I immediately realized that he had lived as an Equine Being for a Centurion. She smiled because it was what she had always felt, thus granting me the permission to do the healing session.