February is the Month for Celebrating LOVE and LOVE is the Greatest Healer


     LOVE and its higher aspect JOY can only flourish in the fertile energy of Honesty; Authenticity and Integrity.  The energy upon Mother Earth is about to become more intense, because more and more Truths will be revealed. We have already been witness to a multitude of informational videos, many which are being deleted on a daily basis by Big Tech, who are still trying to hide the Truth! 

      1) A Fraudulent Election

      2) A fake and staged inauguration broadcasted hours before 12 noon in European countries.

      3)  A year long Plandemic with a virus = to a cold or flu.  Surprising there has been NO flu this fall and winter.

      4) The downfall of certain European countries

      5) The Greed of Wall Street and the Gamestop Stocks

      6)  The countless subscribers and authors of Alternative Media whose channels, messages and videos have been deleted from Facebook; Twitter; Parler; and YouTube who is owned by Google with continuous attempts occurring daily.  Yet, the mainstream media continues to report “Fake News”.

      7)  At least 8 million children and people per year have gone missing for generations.  Where have they been taken and what horrendous abuse have they experienced?

      8)  What ancient healing Wisdom has been hidden by the medical community and the pharmaceutical companies. Instead more toxic drugs have been pushed, with their inherently countless side effects,  contraindications and NO cures!

      We now have more Power to choose what is Truth and what is Fake. It is magically synergistic how Astrology; Earthly events; the Consciousness of HUmanity and the pouring of Cosmic Light onto our Planet is simultaneously occurring. JOY will be anchored as more and more people choose to AWAKEN! 


Berta Maria Hines, M.D.

January 31, 2021 



Holiday LOVE and Forgiveness with A Guided Meditation

Holiday LOVE and Forgiveness with A Guided Meditation

At the end of every calendar year we are prone to review our lives; accomplishments; relationships; losses & decisions made. We humans believe that we have made so many mistakes in our lives. Actually there is no such thing as a mistake, only decisions made at a specific time with a certain amount of information available. In addition, we are influenced by family, friends, media and past decisions. Yes, sometimes those decisions have not been for our Highest and Greatest Good. Yet, in each and every moment we have the Power to change our minds and Decide and Begin Anew!

Please forgive Yourself and others! In my medical and healing practice, I realized over time that we may take years to forgive someone else. However, the time taken to forgive ourselves is much longer. The following guided meditation was created for St. Valentine's Day. You are welcome to listen during this holiday season or at any time.

I AM Wishing Everyone and Your Loved Ones A Very Magical and JOYful Holiday and Life.


Holiday Beauty

Winter Holidays and Childhood Memories

Winter Holidays and Childhood Memories


During the hectic and year end pressures of completing projects, paying accounts and preparing for family & friend festivities, please Remember any Fond Memories of your Childhood. Even if it is only the aroma and flavor of one homemade dessert. Expand on this warm feeling in your Heart and Soul and let it carry you through these seasonal celebrations with JOY! Create new ones with the traditional being a foundation for a most Magical Holiday and Life!

Photo: A traditional festive plate with Lebkuchen, Zimtsternen, Spekulatius, Chocolates wrapped in decorative foil and fruit presented as gifts or served to your guests during "Kaffee Klatsch". To honor my African-American heritage I add other goodies. This is a "Greatful" tribute to Marianne E. in Augsburg, Bavaria, who is the best cook in Germany. Each year she bakes a variety of dozens of scrumptious holiday cookies. She also makes the best Dumpfnudeln and Käsespatzen!

From my Heart Palace, I AM Wishing Everyone at LinkedIn and Your Loved Ones A Very Magical and JOYful Holiday and Life!

You can read my Blog on Christmas in Germany

One of the Greatest Gifts in Medicine

One of the Greatest Gifts in Medicine


I AM "Greatful" for the extraordinary contribution which Naturopathic Medicine has been making for years. I admire their training and the introduction of natural, powerful and healing remedies which are becoming more anchored in the U.S. The clear explanations of how nutrients are needed by the body, enables the patients to become more empowered. This is not the way western medical practice is taught.

Mrs. JG had a challenging experience when her daughter J. was just a toddler. She was hesitant in saying "Yes" to a MMR vaccination, but since her child would be vacationing at a nearby lake, the doctor stated "if it was my child I would give the injection". Mrs. JG gave the physicians permission. Within an hour while riding in the car, J. who is an Empath, began screaming. The family then moved to Oregon to find the underlying etiology at a children's hospital. It was not until they finally consulted a Naturopath, who discovered that the blood "lead and mercury levels" were off the charts. There is much controversy regarding childhood immunizations and western medicine, but parents do experience the difference in the behavior of their children, following these regimens. I commend Mr & Mrs.G. for their Love and Tenacity. I thank them for being one of my recent clients.