Releasing the Fear; Boosting Your Immune System and Healing the Presence of Disease
Uplifting Your Spirit
In Love and Health all Sentient Beings are vulnerable. We cry, laugh, feel JOY and grief. The German word for vulnerability is “Verletzlichkeit”, the ability to be hurt. However, JOY is our natural state of Being and where we find it most abundantly is in Nature. To walk among the large and powerful Tree Spirits, where we can connect with them and receive messages. We feel more grounded while walking on cool emerald grass in the park, the forest or even on our lawns. Just taking a Breath of Fresh Air for a moment is immensely healing. A cleansing rain can wash away some of the effects of chem trails. There is an infinity of majestic places in the world which invite us to Be and Heal our mind, body and spirit. There have always been natural ways to heal the presence of all illnesses and diseases on this planet. So, how did Humanity survive the constant exposure to viruses, bacteria, fungus without the presence of an all night drugstore?
My intention in this article is to introduce the reader to a few of the natural modalities, which can support our immune system during this very challenging time in the world. It began as a short list focusing only on immune enhancing foods. Yet, I decided to offer charts and more Empowering healing tools as preventive measures. These protect oneself from infections, illness and disease by healing and transmuting their presence. Use your common sense and your Higher Intuitive Wisdom. Speak with knowledgeable healthcare professionals whom you trust and use a discerning mind; your ears and eyes with everything you hear, read and see. This information is also meant to Empower You and tweak your interest to do more research, as you are so guided. Since I no longer practice Western Family Medicine, I AM NOT giving medical advice nor prescribing any pharmaceuticals. In the last 20 years I have focused more on my own spiritual journey, while creating a Healing Energy Medicine practice. I have read extensively on various natural modalities and used them for myself, previously in Western Family Medicine, and in my healing practice with amazing results. Anytime we have the intention of fighting anything, we only meet more resistance. This is why I choose to use the word healing! One must be open and believe in a treatment or natural modality, if it is going to succeed. To a certain extent, this is also true for Western Medicine. Honor your own belief system while simultaneously learning something NEW. If you feel afraid to try anything, it is perhaps better to wait until you are more certain and relaxed. The gift of Being on earth is that we do have Free Will in every moment. Unfortunately, humanity has not felt empowered to feel and know this truth! Yet, everything is changing for the better: It is Time to Take Back Our Divine Given Power!
On this earthly plane as very powerful Beings of Light, we are constantly exposed to all types of dense energies. However, it is our immune system which is very much influenced by our emotional states, increasing our vulnerability to illness, disease, accidents, addictive behaviors and unhealthy relationships. The most important choice you can make is to Empower Yourself by Honoring Your own medical history and Sensitivities as well as Being Responsible with your wellbeing decisions. Although your are told “You have a diagnosis or have been exposed to an infection”, you have the Power to say “ I choose to focus on healing or transmuting this diagnosis”. An example of this is Estelle. She is a very gifted healer who recently announced on her YouTube channel, that she was given the diagnosis of throat cancer due to the papilloma virus. Estelle chose to concentrate on healing rather than repeating “I have ...”. She had an amazing and loving response from her family, friends and fans. She surrounded herself with an entourage of various healers. Naturopathic Physicians are educated similar to medical students in western medical universities, yet their focus is more on the natural ways to heal diseases. Fortunately, there are more and more physicians who practice both Eastern and Western medicine. Speak to an educated healthcare professional whom you trust and have your list of questions. Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy located in many U.S. cities, sells natural remedies and offers the daily physical presence of a Naturopath. The Wellness department in stores such as Whole Foods, Natural Grocers and New Seasons Markets is another option. Focus on organic foods or at the very least those which are grown without herbicides and pesticides. Some farmers cannot afford the organic certification, but do not use sprays of any kind. Other organic farmers state they are permitted to spray from a list of acceptable herbicides and pesticides. This can be very confusing for the consumer. Speak to the local farmer at the open markets and the various staff working at your favorite grocery stores. In mentioning my own favorites, I do not have a contractual agreement with these companies, thus I do not receive monetary payments nor free products. The presence of product names is a guide for the reader and to tweak your interest to read, research and find your own perfect match. ENJOY transforming Your Life!
You are welcome to receive the complete article with clear and informative colored graphs and charts with a total of about 18 double sided pages, it is a cost of $222.00. Once the amount is received I will send the entire article directly to you via PDF. Topics include: Vitamins; Herbs, Spices; Mushrooms; Flower Essences; Self Care and so much more.
I AM Wishing You and Your Loved Ones from My Heart Palace, A Very Magical and JOYful Life!
Dr. Berta Maria Hines