Happy Father’s Day Daddy


Photo from Creative Commons "Shaw_2013_HCParade_092" created by ShawU          This photo is the epitomy of my Charles Hines, Sr.'s love for the Western Horsemanship as well as displaying 3 generations of African-American Men!


Happy Father’s Day Daddy and Bless You Jesse         

        Today is June 17, 2018 almost a month following Mother’s Day on May 13, 2018.  It is said that the national and international phone lines are the busiest on Mother’s Day in comparison to any other day of the year.  Christmas holidays are not celebrated by everyone, St. Valentine’s Day has become a favorite holiday across the globe, but everyone has a mother.  Regardless if the relationship with the girl or woman who gave birth to us is close, distant or unknown there is an energetic bond which is always present.  It is interesting that our personal power is represented by the Solar Plexus chakra above the belly button and below the diaphragm.  Beneath this is the Core Star, an even deeper connection to our personal power. The belly button or umbilical cord, our connection to the mother who carried us for 10 lunar months, sits between the Solar Plexus and the Sacral Chakra.  The latter is represented by our creativity and the balance of our sexual energy as well as the health of our sexual organs.    

        So where is the energetic bond to our Fathers?  How do we honor those who have been present on all levels of a child's life as well as honor their responsibilities out in the world? I remember a patient in Los Angeles who broke into tears when he felt so betrayed by the mother of his unborn child.  She had not discussed her decision to terminate the pregnancy with him. He felt forlorn and powerless. It is so important to include the fathers in our lives, regardless when they choose to become a part of it.  In the movie "Ray" there was a scene when Ray Charles felt he did not want to conceive a child and become a father because he felt he would not be able to honor the responsibilities.  He had no role model " I don't know if I can be a good father".  His wife lovingly convinced him otherwise. Just as mothers teach us about self nurturing and being open to receiving with Love as well as honoring our intuitive abilities; fathers have these same attributes with more emphasis on expanding our gifts and  talents out into the world and learning to give with Love. A father or male energy gives us the strength to go out into the world knowing we are safe and strong and with confidence, because he gives us those tools.  His Love helps us to attract a male partner who embodies the attributes which we have experienced growing up. The spoken words resonate with the action, since children imitate what they see and hear.   It is a known fact that the relationship a young girl has with her father becomes the basis for the type of boys and men she attracts.  When there is unforgivingness between them, her life with males especially with a spouse will always have this uncomfortable, angry or sad underlying energy, until healing takes place. Thus a healthy relationship with and respect for our fathers translates into a belief that the Universe is generous.  We know that we are being protected, loved and synchronicity is ever present.  Magic is our heart’s desires matched with perfect Divine timing. 

         Father’s Day is celebrated in America within the same month as thousands of students graduating from academic institutions.  The slogan for ads and cards reads Dads and Grads.  It feels as if the attention given to fathers is so much less than given to mothers.  In the U.S. families gather together for a BBQ in the backyard, along a lake or at the beach.  Perhaps one of his gifts include a BBQ utensil, often a tie or shirt and perhaps he is also the one doing the cooking. C’est dommage!  Brunches at a favorite restaurant or visiting family in the country create a joyful day for everyone.  In Germany all of the males: husbands, brothers, uncles, grandfathers get together and hang out, without the female presence. In the Netherlands they announced in February 2018 that fathers now have a 6 week paternity leave following the birth of a child, this is also true for foster and adoptive parents. 

        Yet, as life on Mother Gaia is the most challenging in comparison to other planets, countless people do not live the life as portrayed in the magazine or television ads.  What about the countless males who have no connection to their children, those boys and men who never knew they had fathered a child? Those who are absent because they have perished in war, been used to only offer his sperm so that a woman can have the child she has always wanted or been told by the courts that he has no rights or perhaps a few visitation dates on the calendar month. It is interesting how many societies ostracize a girl or woman for becoming pregnant without wedlock but do not command that the Papa is made responsible for the care of this child.  What about the women who use a child, i.e. become pregnant, to get a man or a husband, especially if he is rich and famous?  Then there are the innumerable children conceived and born as a result of military occupation and wartime. Most likely the numbers of offspring from inter-cultural liaisons in the Middle East and North Africa are nearly not as many as occurred in Europe during WWI and WWII.  The belief in Islam in various countries, recent conflicts and the tremendous societal pressures and disgrace which fall upon young girls and women, even leading to death, have most likely decreased the relationship with the occupying forces and the native females. 

            A life with the presence of both men and women is wonderful and the perfect balance of each can truly exist.  Each has the energies of the Divine masculine and Divine feminine and a perfect union is when they honor their gifts and anchor their lives in LOVE!  This is also true for those of same sex unions. Just as mothers teach us about self nurturing, receiving and honoring our intuitive abilities as powerful gifts to share; fathers have these same attributes with more emphasis on expanding out into the world and giving.

            When my mother made her transition on April 10, 2002, on my father’s birthdate, it was a sign for me to connect with him.  The Creator aligned all of the energies and within one month we were speaking on the phone, a few weeks before my own birthday.   I was also granted my prayer request that when he was ready to make his passage to heaven,   I would accompany him to the other side of the Veil.  Following his passing I had a channeled reading from a good friend Betty who stated that my father wanted me to believe in Magic!  Betty’s birthday was also April 10.

                 This celebration is dedicated to Charles Hines, Senior, the man who gave me a life and to the father whom I never knew, who gave me life.  At the local art & supplies store BLICK, yesterday they celebrated with creative painting of leather pieces.  My father had a fascination and affinity for the Mexican culture: horseman, riding gear, history and food.  He spent hours with his leather pieces across our wooden dining table pounding and hammering original symbols in precise patterns for his saddle.  Thank You Daddy for:

    1) Teaching me how to type on my Royal typewriter at the age of 11  

    2) Teaching how to horseback ride and ride in the Watts Summer Festival parades

    3) My Love in eating sardines and raw onions  

    4) Appreciating the Mexican culture: food, trips to Tijuana  

    5) Firmly stating that I was not to accept racism or prejudice as a normal part of life

   6) Firmly commanding with colorful language to neighbors that it was not OK to call me the"N"word.

    7) Telling the mayor of Fitchburg, Mass. that he should grow more prize winning tulips when he came to our apartment and said I should be punished for stealing his tulips.

    8)Teaching me and Mommy about baking soda as a tooth whitener. (He had all of his own teeth when he made his transition at the age of 82).                                                                            

   9) Embracing me into your life after a 20 year hiatus and that I was there holding your beautiful manicured hands as you made your transition into Heaven.                                                                                        

        I am also dedicating this article to Jesse and Frankie, a loving and tender Papa to his furry feline Frankie.  He has known her since she was a kitten, 18 years ago, which ironically adds up to 9, an ending of a phase of life.  I was privileged to have met Frankie a couple of years ago, performed a healing session and this week was told that her health was declining.  She responded well to the session taking a short walk in the front yard on a sunny day in Portland and then cooling off on the pavement near the fragrant rose bush.  Here I offered my healing gifts and then hugged her,  expressing my love verbally. Once I came home she gave me a message:” I AM ready to go home to GOD and I AM so appreciative to my daddy for the love ❤️ which he so unconditionally gave to me, I will come back at another time”.  I saw Frankie walking past the pearly gates completely healed, with a bounce in her step and her tail straight up. 🐱 😊.  Jesse possesses the qualities of a loving and nurturing parent as well as the protective and gentle nature of a Papa bear, the perfect melange of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies.  On Father’s Day he surrendered his baby girl to heaven finally releasing her from the overwhelming physical pain.  Bless YOU Jesse and Frankie!


Frankie and Jesse both in Pensive Moods.




Frankie Being her Sweet Self


Frankie in one of her favorite spots



copyright 2018 Berta Maria Hines, M.D.