The Beauty of Words from Our Heart are so Uplifting
"I've sought assistance from various sources over the years--from clergy, to healers, psychics and therapists. The only person who has told me that I have personal power is Dr. Hines. I have followed nearly every suggestion (healing tool) she has given me, and I have never felt this much in control of my life. My friends say I sound like myself again. I have to thank Dr. Hines." FE July 10, 2018
"I met Dr. Hines by chance a few months ago. At the time, I was stressed out, insecure and discouraged about my spiritual path. Dr. Hines guided me toward some spiritual exercises, rituals and books. I followed them without much faith. To my pleasant surprise, I began to feel more confident, less stressed and more firmly on my path. My life isn't perfect, but it's much better. I feel empowered. Thanks Dr. Hines. I look forward to continuing to work with you." FE February 22, 2018
Client Contact after Several Months November 2016
" You and Mickey have been on my mind. I wish you joy, wellness, health, and safe travels. I am continuing to use the tools you have shared with me to progress in a healthy self loving manner. I appreciate all the time you spent with me. I have so much love for you" AW
Assisting with Finding a Lost Cat June 2013
“my beloved KeKe has returned!!! A girl in my building saw him hiding out in a bush, near a slough, and a Shari's about a mile away from the apartment. She had seen my flyers and must have saved my number. I received her call last night. The funny thing is, I am currently in Las Vegas. My boyfriend, Terry, immediately raced over to pick him up. I'm very pleased to hear his little meows over speaker phone and apparently he was happy to hear my voice as well. He was rubbing his face all over the phone while I was talking to him. Thank you so very much for all your support and helpful reassurance to keep asking, knowing that you will receive, and the patience in between. I drastically shifted my thinking over the last month and feel myself once again on the frequency I want to be on. You helped me break through and sort my emotions into the direction I want them to be in. Thank you so very much! AW July 12,2013
Mini Energy Healing Sessions at Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy, Portland, Oregon 2013
”Thank you for being here”
“I always feel so much better when you are here. The energy is much calmer” R. Asst. Manager
“I am really glad you are here”
“Thank you for what you do”
“I had a very interesting and satisfying session with Berta. My body became very relaxed and I am now feeling very calm and peaceful, in distinct contrast to my mood and bodily senses beforehand. I will do it again”. F.S. June 11, 2013
“ Today I came to exchange/ purchase items & saw that Dr. Hines was doing energy work. I had been anxious today w/ no known reason & thought I’d do a session. I am also not usually here in the afternoon & the cash I had was exact change—felt like a meant to be, the energy work really helped my boy release & relax. A.R. June 11, 2013
Presentation at New Seasons Market in Portland, Oregon 2012
1) Your Intentions for coming to “Pearls of Wisdom for Living Healthy”
2) Gifts I AM taking with me
3) Constructive Comments
(Each letter represents a different participant)
(A) 2) “Spiritual guidance; Belief” 3) Loved it”
(B) 1) “I am always interested in any opportunity to increase my understanding of the spiritual world. To be inspired by those who are more in touch with their spiritual side.”
2) “I particularly connected with your discussion about children and their intuitive knowledge. I have a 6 and 9 year old. I will definitively make an effort to encourage them to use their intuition. Listen to them more closely. You said “ we are used to comparing rather than knowing everyone has their own path. I do this and I have to focus differently. I need to make more of a conscious effort to slow my life down and “ be”more
3) “It was a pleasure to be part of your audience & share in your wisdom. Thank you for giving your time tonight. I thoroughly enjoyed it.”
(C) 1) “To gain or be part of the heavenly feeling I got when I need at this presentation and learn specifics of how”.
2) “I’m taking with me more awareness that asking for divine help is as easy as asking specifically for what I want and being aware of opportunities. That it’s important to listen to my gut instincts and follow them.”
3) “tell about more miracles”
(D) 1) “to learn some pearls of wisdom from a fellow soul who is also on the path”.
2) “a complete & total confirmation of my already existing beliefs. We are completely aligned & it was so great to hear those things from one who is so wise, gently & kind. You are a deep soul. Wunderbar”.
3) “Really none, but it might be good to tell people how they can see you professionally, if they desire at the beginning of the class”.
(E) 1) “to learn more about where you come from; what is the base/tradition/foundation on which you base your offerings, so I can learn more”; to support you by attending and encourage your work and evolution”
2) “ encouragement to move with energy on my own path of unfolding; learn more about the guides, angels & saints and how to access their presence and help”.
3) “presentation was clear, easy to follow; more specifics and examples would be helpful to better understand the philosophy and principles being shared; clarify your spiritual connections that some may be drawn to learn more if attracted to that path.”
(F) 1) “I walked into New Seasons silently saying a prayer to myself –Please show me something that I can use in helping others (regarding a business path). I am a RN that has been given a layoff notice, after 20 yr. with same employer.”
2) “I feel I have been given direction for following a spiritual path. You have given us a great gift.”
3) “I would love to hear you talk on a regular basis. I would love to know how to contact you.”
(G) 1) "My intention for coming to this class was to welcome whatever was being communicated as Pearls of Wisdom for health”.
2) “Your life can blossom when you connect with your intuition. Letting go of anger, shame & guilt & connecting with compassion & forgiveness, changes the dynamic of your life’s energy. Being in nature is grounding. Appreciating being reminded that each of is here for a specific reason, a specific purpose. It’s a gift to be reminded about ending your day reflecting on what you’re grateful for. It’s a gift to be reminded a lot honoring your body temple. It’s helpful, a gift, to be reminded about a lot asking your guardian angels or spirit guides, for guidance.”
3) “Can’t think of anything. It was a fascinating, well –delivered presentation. Grateful I was here for it. Thank You”
Presentation at New Seasons Market in Portland, Oregon 2011
Topic: The Pearls of Wisdom for Healthy Living April 6, 2011
What did you find valuable about the class ?
“She was great, the real deal”
“ALL! It would be wonderful to have a longer time or a part 2”
“All of the “Pearls of Wisdom for Healthy Living” were pertinent”
“Good reminder of how important to enjoy nature. How to visualize what I want”.
“Liked information on the pearls of wisdom line” that was fantastic. I love what you said about children. Anytime you would like to give another presentation, I will find a spot and put you on the schedule and we will create flyers to announce the even”. AN. coordinator of events for New Seasons Market Portland, OR April 2011
“Berta, I really admire your commitment to your path and I know that it takes quite a bit of courage to speak publicly about something so potentially foreign to many folks. After listening to your talk and reading theses flyers, I can say that all of it resonates with me. You are doing sacred work – without a doubt”
Presentation at The Africain-American Chamber of Commerce meeting in January 2011 in Portland, Oregon 2011
Topic: The Pearls of Wisdom for Healthy Living
A Response to a Visual St. Valentine’s Gift February 2011:
“Thank you Berta Your thoughts and visions are a blessing to all who are willing to listen” Dr.B.S.,Cambridge , Mass Feb. 2011
"Thank you, this was a relaxing little trip. Happy Valentine’s Day” Erin Portland, OR Feb. 2011
“Wow, Thank you so much for the beautiful message.. you are so important to the world..have a great week …” NY, Portland, OR Feb.2011
“Thank you for this lovely visualization- I have had chemo many times and plan to tuck this away to share the next time I go—thank you for the gift of beauty today – may you have a wonderful Valentine’s day DR.” Susan Portland , OR May 2011
My Healing Energy Sessions:
Follow-Up after a Phone Meditation:
“I feel so uplifted from our conversation and meditation - it was just "what the doctor ordered" *laugh*!!I feel that what we did tonight was most definitely a turning point for me!! I cannot thank you enough for suggesting that we do the meditation” : )) BR Tonopah, NV. January 2013
In-person and Phone Healing Energy Sessions for People and Pets:
“Subtle, yet powerful is how I'd describe a reading from Dr. Hines. If you're expecting a traditional tarot reading, this is not the one for you. Dr. Hines is an intuitive and with that the traditional card reading doesn't quite have a place. I was having insights into her readings sometimes days after our conversation. She's patient and almost conversational, but with that she's tapping into deeper insights that take time to come to the surface. You'll find what you need, not what you want from a reading with her.” AG Portland, OR June 2012
“Dr. Hines is a warm and gentle presence. She is highly intuitive and her sessions are filled with sincere love, guidance and care. She gives you tools for true change and fulfillment through self discovery and healing. One leaves her sessions feeling lighter and restored; carrying with them hope and belief in true peace... and a magic feeling of being in touch with the power of transformation and faith in universal meaning and love." Hope you are happy and well. with love,RD Portland, OR Jan. 2012
“Dear Berta Thank you Thank you sooo for sharing your healing abilities with me,” Love GL Los Angeles, CA Nov. 2011
„Herzlichen Dank fuer deine heilenden Energien, deine Unterstützung und Gebete fuer unseren geliebten Kater Boca Grande! und unsere Familie, einschliesslich Kali. “ Marion Oakland CA Sept. 2011
“Heartfelt thanks for your healing energies, your support and prayers for our loving male cat Boca Grande and our family including Kali” Marion Oakland CA Sept. 2011
“Dr. Berta Hines was warmly welcomed by my 3 cats and my dog. One of my cats was ill and agitated and he responded very well to the healing session, settling down and allowing Dr. Hines to work with him for quite a long time. I could see that he appreciated her work and presence. The suggestions she made for creating a more positive and peaceful, healing space for the animals were very helpful, along with her suggestions for flower essences and other supplements. I cannot remember now where I first saw her flyer, but I am grateful that I did. She brings a loving, affirmative presence to my animals” LS Portland OR Jan. 2011
“I asked Dr. Hines to visit a retail shop I had just opened and to give me her perspective. In a very gentle, loving way, she helped me to clarify what needed to be done there and to harmonize the energies for the protection and prosperity of my business. She truly has a gift and is generous in sharing it with others” SU Portland, OR July 2010
“Using the insights that I gained from my conversation with Dr. Hines, I have now completely healed my past life-problem—a problem that had plagued me for over nine years. I believe Dr. Hines is a very gifted intuitive healer. She is a treasure house of wisdom, and her heart is full of love and compassion. I believe that the people that come to East-West would greatly benefit from her advice”. SF Mountain View CA March 2007
Sisters Staying Healthy Forum Los Angeles, CA November 2007 and 2008
Dear Dr. Hines, “Thank you for once again being part of the faculty for the Sisters Staying Healthy Conference and providing attendees with your valuable insight. You had a number of good suggestions about how to reach more women next year. I appreciate your support. Please keep me informed of your activities and if there is any way I can support your efforts Sincerely”, EB Los Angeles, CA Nov.2008 and 2009
Anatomy and Medical Terminology class for Interpreters May 5, 2005 Stanford University Medical Center
“Thank you very much for presenting the anatomy and medical terminology class. All students were very happy with your presentation. Interpreter Services highly values your help in making the orientation a success. We feel all participants were really happy with the training”. Monique, Maria Carla and Natalia , Palo Alto, CA May 2005
Blessings for Home and Business:
Art in the Pearl, Labor Day Weekend September 2012 Blessings for National Artists Booths
“ I have never had such a wonderful and successful time at the fair”.
“All the objects you touched and arranged differently were sold”.
“ This has been the best show ever”.
“ Your Light and Energy was the most wonderful things which I experienced that weekend, Thank you”
“ As soon as you walked into our booth things began to shift. We met the perfect realtor, we sold an original later that day and my wife felt much better after the energy healing session that you gave her”.
“I am very happy about how well I did”.
“Do you also do personal sessions? Great I would like to schedule one for the last day of the event”.
“ Yes, I heard about you from my neighbors. The piece you told me to move, sold right after you left.
Laughing Mouse HAPPINESS cannot BE found outside of YOU, it can only BE created from WITHIN