Happy Mother's Day and the Celebration of the Divine Feminine
The Divine Feminine Energy is that of expressing self-nurturing and expanding this outwards, compassion and the ability to receive all of the gifts which the Creator has to offer. The Divine Masculine Energy is giving and expansive, which prepares us to go into the world knowing that the Universe is generous and abundant. Life is about the balance of all good things. In every relationship even those in same sex, there is one person who demonstrates more of the female qualities and the other the male qualities. So a celebration of Mother's Day is really honoring the feminine attributes which we were all inherently given.
There is a song by the Intruders from the 1970's "I'll Always Love My Mama". This first set of lyrics continues with "she's my favorite girl, you only get one, yeah". Yet, I was blessed with 2 mothers in this lifetime. Ingeborg Hermine who gave me life and Marianne who gave me a life. I was fortunate to meet Ingeborg on 2 occasions, when I flew to Germany to visit family. I understood the reason I was not suppose to be raised by her and her new husband. I know in my heart and from our tête-à-tête conversations that she greatly suffered in having to give me up, for I was her first born and only girl. As a physical result of this suffering, she developed a severe curvature of her spine called kyphoscoliosis such that her lungs were pushed into her heart. On an energetic level and as a gifted healer I honor and accept that the respiratory system is related to unresolved or unhealed grief. Of course the heart represents love and forgiveness. As a physician in Family Medicine, I realized that people may take months and years to forgive others but as humans we take even longer to forgive ourselves and sometimes never.
It was exactly 14 Mother's Day celebrations ago in which I gave the eulogy for my mother Marianne Hines, at the Self-Realization Fellowship Center in Pacific Palisades, California. My mother had made her transition on April 10, 2002, which happened to be my father's birth date. I believe it was a very clear ethereal message for me to connect with him, after a 20 year hiatus. Five years later he and I had a wonderful reunion. One month later he was in the ICU for exactly one month, and I held his hands everyday until his last breath. Father Mother GOD had answered my prayers to at least be there for him in a way I could not be for my 2 mothers.
Both of my mothers have made their transition now and I do not cry as much as I used to on these special holidays. Fortunately, I have worked with St. Germain, his angels of the 7th ray and the golden violet sacred fire flame for years. Much deep sadness of my soul from many lifetimes and partly which I inherited from Ingeborg and Marianne has been transmuted by this gift to humanity. Any child who lives through a war does not grow up unscathed, just as soldiers do not. In medical school we are taught that if a patient is diagnosed with a type of cancer, we begin looking at the family history. Then we begin calculating the risk of inheriting other terminal diseases for the patient. Yet, I believe with breast cancer for example, it is about the generational keeping of secrets. Children grow up in certain environments where they know energetically that information is being kept from them. As time goes on, information is hidden, protected and most of all lied about or original truths are changed. Children will always know because there is a inner family circle of gossip, and something always slips or is "accidentally revealed". The manifestation of breast cancer is the inheritance of energy such as the constant nurturing of others with little or no self-care. In addition there is the accumulation of anger at self and others and finally all of the deeply hidden secrets along the female line. Ironically, men can be given a diagnosis of breast cancer, albeit rare.
I AM honoring and Blessing all those:
a) Mamas who gave birth in very challenging situations.
b) Nënë, Mëmë (Albanian) who taught their children to stand in their Power, speak their Truth and always live Authentically.
c) Ahm (Arabic) who had the courage to gave up her children for foster care or adoption. Sometimes changing her mind because she had been too young or was literally forced to do so.
d) Ama (Basque) who chose to marry someone, or have children, or adopt children with multi-ethnic heritages, perhaps different from her own and taught them Pride in who they really are.
e) Madre (Norwegian) who did the best they could and sometimes lived with many "regrets". Please always forgive them through all time and space.
c) Macii (Byelorussian) who raised her one or more children without much support from family and the government.
d) माँ के दिन (Hindi) who have done much Inner Soul work, while raising a family.
e) Mare (Catalan) who finally had the courage to leave an abusive relationship whether with a spouse or family and to create a new life for herself and her children.
f) Nana (Chechen) who began practicing Self-Care of mind, body and spirit before caring for others, first and foremost.
g) Ema (Estonian) who completed her education from high school diplomas to their PhD's and M.D's.
h) Maman (French) who chose to do home schooling even as a single parent, for 4 little ones.
i) Nai (Galician) who made the decision to finally end generational abuse, beginning with herself.
j) MÃ na (Greek) who made a decision to stop wearing black for a spouse who passed and began to live vibrantly in living color.
k) Makuahine (Hawaiian) who chose to dress the age that she felt without the restrictions of the fashion industry, her family or friends.
l) Induk, Ibu, Biang, Nyokap (Indonesian) who feels that there is no job, career, relationship or domicile in the world, worth giving up her power in the form of abuse of any kind.
m) Okaasan, Haha (Japanese) who knows that complementing her beauty is not connected to displaying nudity to attract attention or covering up from head to toe in order to accept a supposed "religious law."
n) Ewe, Haakui (Maori) who experienced a civil or international war and did what she had to in order to survive along with their children.
0) Madr, Maman (Persian) who learned through her children about unconditional love, by becoming more physically affectionate with constant hugging, kissing and loving complements. Something she did not experience in her own childhood.
p) Matka, Mama (Polish) who finally forgave herself for attracting men and women into her life, who abused her children, when she had trusted these people.
q) Mama, Mzazi, Mzaa (Swahili) who was the best cook because that's how she showed love. Or she wasn't the best cook but demonstrated so many other gifts.
r) Anne, Ana, Valide (Turkish) who made all of her families clothes because they had no money or she was an emanation of Coco Chanel.
s) Mati (Ukrainian) who knew she was an Angel and Light Alchemist.
t) Ammee (Urdu) who always wanted children but thought she wouldn't be a good mother because of her upbringing or beliefs she accepted from others.
u) Moæ( Zeneize) who is a mother to her furry children.
v) Omm (Maltese) who is a mother missing her child that ran away. May she connect with the child's Soul and embrace it with LOVE always.
w) Aayi (Marathi) who experienced the death of one or more children, perhaps blaming herself and unable to move past the grief. She is surrounded with the LOVE and Forgiveness of all the Angels, Archangel Michael and Divine Mother Mary
x)`eh (Mongolian) who chose to end a pregnancy for a variety of reasons, Bless Her Always as well as the child and children.
Pamper yourself with LOVE today and always as well as whatever gives you JOY, is healthy and truly honors you as a Being of Light!
I AM Wishing All Visitors to my website and your Loved Ones A Very Magical and JOYful "Mama's Day and Life.
2018 copyright Berta Maria Hines, M.D.
Healing Hearts Cards by Dr. Berta Maria Hines
2011 Copyright Dr. Berta Maria Hines