Natural Amethyst from .gov

                                         PETS AND CRYSTALS


1)    CLEAR QUARTZ:   Place beneath an old animal’s bed to increase the energy, playfulness and make it healthier.  Recharge: laying in midday sun around green plants

2)    MILKY QUARTZ:  Attach to a pet’s collar when walking by busy roads. Recharging: place under gentle sunlight during a misty morning

3)    SNOW QUARTZ:  Enhances the strength of any “runt” of the litter.  Recharging: Wash in melted ice or snow

4)    FADEN QUARTZ:   Relieves physical disabilities, eg. walking.  Recharging: Surround with red & white flowers overnight

5)    RAINBOW QUARTZ:  Uplifting the will to live. Recharging: Sprinkle with water in bright sunlight

6)    TOURMALATED QUARTZ:  Assists oversensitive one to tolerate noise and sudden movement.  Recharging: Place between a dark and light candle until they burn completely.

7)    MOONSTONE:  Beloved of CATS.  Those with “eye” markings are called cat’s eyes.  Place near a cat’s bed to prevent from straying too far at night.  Recharging: During the full moon and leave in a dish from moonrise to moonset. 

8)    RAINBOW MOONSTONE:  Conservation of BUTTERFLIES, MOTHS AND DRAGONFLIES.  Recharging: Set under the light of the full moon.

9)    APOPHYLLITE:  Wonderful for show and working HORSES.  Recharging: Set in the sunlight. Recharging:  Set in sunlight

10)  CLEAR FLUORITE:  Wonderful as a replacement for the other white stones, when animals find the clear ones too intense.  Recharging: Under running water by the moonlight.

11)  SELENITE:   Enhances telepathic communication with all animals.  Recharging:  Cleanse with pure mineral water that has been set under moonlight

12)  WATER OR JELLY OPAL:  Calms adolescent animals and those in heat.  Recharging:  Hydrate often with a little pure water while decreeing a mantra or prayer.

13)   MOTHER OF PEARL:  Comforts an animal whose offspring have been taken after weaning. Recharging: Cleanse with sea water or pinch of sea salt added to water

14)   WHITE HOWLITE/ MAGNESITE:  Encourages nomadic CATS to stay close to home.  Recharging:  Place in a white ceramic bowel & leave in the center of your home during a happy occasion

15)   WHITE SAPPHIRE:  Wonderful for GUIDE DOGS.  Recharging:  Wipe gingerly with a silk cloth and surround with pink or white petals


1)    ALL TYPES:   Enhance animals to become quiet and still when they see Angels and Beings of Light.  Recharging:  Sunlight for clear or sparkling spheres and full moonlight for opaque ones.


1)     AMETHYST:  Ill pets can drink “amethyst” water to energize & to calm hyperactivity, e.g. excessive barking or feather ripping. It also deters fleas.  Recharging:  Set in the moonlight

2)      PURPLE FLUORITE:  Helps DOGS be well behaved in public.  Recharging: Place under running water

3)     SUGILITE:    Very much adored by CATS since it is the color of their aura.  Recharging:  Place next to an unpolished amethyst which is covered by a dark silk scarf for 1 day. It is a delicate stone

4)     LEPIDOLITE:   Great for DOGS with behavioral challenges.  Recharging:  Use a pendulum eg. amethyst is best or a watermelon tourmaline wand.

5)     CHAROITE :  Prevents animals from being too territorial.  Recharging:  Set in a place within the sound of natural running water for 1-2 hours.

6)     SUPER SEVEN: Mixture of amethyst, cacoxenite, goethite, lepidorite, clear quartz,  rutile and smoky quartz. ? Perfect for the beginning and end of a pet’s life.  Recharging:  No need to cleanse


1)      TURQUOISE :  Attach to a pet’s collar or the mirror of a BIRD’S cage to prevent theft or becoming lost or strayed.  Recharging:  Fades in sunlight or exposure to oils.  Use an Amerindian smudge, cedar, sage brush or sweetgrass. 

2)     BLUE HOWLITE :   Protects the runt of the litter.  Recharging:  place with watermelon tourmaline or amethyst.

3)     VIOLAN :  Especially healing for DOLPHINS, WHALES & ALL SEA CREATURES. Great for any animal who is being abused or kept in a small space or cage.  Recharging:  Set under starlight or at dawn with its’ pearl grey hues.

4)     BLUE LACE AGATE :   Reduces barking in DOGS, yowling in CATS, screeching in BIRDS.   Recharging: Set under the beginning of a waxing moon.

5)      BLUE QUARTZ (natural)  A preference by animals for all forms of healing.  Recharging:  Use clear quartz, amethyst pendulum or watermelon tourmaline wand.

6)     KYANITE:  Place near an animal’s pen where they are often disturbed.  Recharging:  After dawn place near plants for 1 hour.

7)     LAPIS LAZULI Calms highly excited animals especially PEDIGREE BREEDS and assists them before a show.  Recharging:  Place under starlight.

8)     IOLITE :  Perfect for animal whom the owner finds hard to love.  Recharging:  Place in natural light.

9)     SODALITE :  Soothes the mother when her young have been taken after weaning.  Recharging:  Bury in a plant of lavender or another fragrant her for 1 day.

10)  CELESTITE / BLUE CELESTINE:  Helps RESCUED ANIMALS to trust and injured animals to become strong and optimistic. Recharging:  Wrap in blue silk and place in a drawer for 2 days.

11)   ANGELITE :  Place in the ground when burying animals.  Recharging:  Place in an area of spiritual power and pray for peace.

12)  BLUE CORAL : Great for all WATER CREATURES.  Recharging:  Sprinkle with sea water or sea salt water.

13)  AQUA AURA :  Helps us to respect all Sentient Life.  Recharging: Not needed often but can place it among spiritually awakened people.  Also carry it to the center of a labyrinth and permit the energies to restore both the person & stone

14)  AQUA MARINE:  Great for a FISH TANK or POND to facilitate healthy marine life.  Recharging:  Place in sea water during the night of a full moon or in water with a pinch of sea salt set in a blue glass bowl.  Then rinse in clear water.

15)  AZURITE:  It assists the lives of very old animals & long living species.  Recharging:  Place under starlight.

16)  LARIMAR :  Place beneath the animal’s bed before going to the vet.  Recharging:  Set in water under moonlight for 1 hour.

17)  BLUE CHALCEDONY :  Helps them to be playful and express their joy.  Recharging:  place under running water.

18)  RAINBOW OPAL:  Perfect for animals who are unresponsive.  Recharging:  Hydrate occasionally with water, especially if you see a rainbow or use a fiber-optic lamp.  This is a delicate stone

19)  CHRYSOCOLLA/ GEM SILICA:  Comforts PREGNANT animals, especially for the first time.  Recharging:  Place with a copper ring or inside a copper bracelet overnight.

20)  BLUE TOPAZ:  Perfect for BIRD habitats or BIRD species which are becoming extinct.  Recharging:  Light a soft blue candle or place in the open air under a clear blue sky when the sun is low.

21)  BLUE CALCITE:   Great for “snappy DOGS or other ill-tempered animals.  Recharging:  Place under running water especially in a stream.

22)  HAWK’S EYE/ FALCON’S EYE:  A wonderful stone for all BIRDS, bird of prey conservation and rescue. Recharging:  Place under open sky for 1 day.

23)   CAVANSITE:  Perfect for seriously injured or ill animals.  Recharging:  Pray to the Divine Being with whom you resonate to give this stone power.

24)   TANZANITE:  Lightens a dull aura in animals.  Recharging:  Place it on a brown rock as a storm begins.

25)   APATITE:  It eases teething and growing pains.  Recharging:  Set near a vase of fresh flowers or on the soil of an herb or plant. It is delicate.


1)     GREEN FLUORITE:  Attracts BUTTERFLIES.  Recharging:  Leave in water overnight in moonlight, in a stream of bowel of water.  It is not a sunlight stone.

2)    MOSS AGATE:  It encourages a balanced attitude in young animals, as well as helping children & pets to bond.  Recharging:  Leave with a green plant for 1 night each month.

3)    MOLDAVITE:  It is perfect for spiritually evolved CATS.  Recharging: Place a small piece of pumice & allow the pumice to float away.  Leave it outdoors during a night of meteor showers.

4)    AMAZONITE:  It  facilitates house training young animals.  Recharging: use a mint infusion.

5)    GREEN AVENTURINE:  It supports clumsy pets that are confined to a space.  Recharging:  Rest it in the leaves of a green plant during daylight.

6)    TREE AGATE:  It is good for the WILDLIFE in your garden.  Recharging: Smudge with cedar or pine. 

7)    GREEN CALCITE:  It is wonderful to cool animals during very hot weather.  Recharging:  Place under running water, eg. Fountain or small waterfall.

8)    MALACHITE:  Place beneath their bed if you live in a city or near a radio mast or power station.  Recharging:  Cleanse regularly under running water.  When it finally crumbles, bury it.

9)    NEPHRITE & JADEITE (JADE):  As a natural transmitter of Life force or Chi energy, it keeps pets healthy & promotes longevity.  During the time an animal gives birth, the softer opaque hues are placed in water overnight.  Recharging:  Place under running water or in a sage or peppermint infusion.

10)  BOWENITE (NEW JADE):  Motivates a sedentary pet to explore.  Recharging:  Smudge with sage or cedar.

11)  SERPENTINE:  Healing skin complaints and deters fleas, ticks & mites.  Recharging:  Pass through the flame of a brown candle.

12)   DIOPSIDE:  Brings solace to excited animals.  Recharging:  Smudge with sage or cedar.

13)  GREEN / ORBICULAR JADE:   Wonderful for COLD WATER & TROPICAL FISH.  Recharging:  Sprinkle with sea water or salt water.

14)  DIOPTASE:  Wonderful for small BIRDS & TINY PETS.  It encourages children to handle them gently.  Recharging:  Pass amethyst or rose quartz pendulum over it.

15)  RAINBOW OBSIDIAN:  Enhances the well-being of all MARINE creatures.  Recharging:  Set under a rainbow or use a rainbow image on a window.

16)  UNAKITE:  Given to animals who are BRED.  Recharging:  Sprinkle with olive oil then wash under running water.

17)  PREHNITE:  Calms hyperactive animals.  Recharging:  Surround with green flora for 1 day.

18)  OLIVINE / PERIDOT:  Minimizes a stressed pet.  Recharging:  Set under a full moon.

19)  VERDITE:  Given to PEDIGREE bred animals.  Recharging:  Place among leaves of tropical plants or near indoor plants.

20)  FUCHSITE:  Perfect for EXOTIC BIRDS, e.g. Parrots.  Recharging:  Place under starlight, fiber optic lamp or fairy lights.

21)  CHINESE TURQUOISE:  Protective of small & baby animals.  Recharging:  Leave it in moonlight during early waxing phase until you go to sleep, then put under your pillow.

22)  VARISCITE:  Helps to settle animals living in a different habitat or climate compared to their species,  eg. ZOOS, CIRCUS.  Recharging:  Rest on a standing stone or in a stone circle.

23)  WATERMELON TOURMALINE:  Supports domestic upheaval or unhappiness.  Recharging:  At twilight for 3 days.

24)  CHRYSOPRASE:  Welcomed by animals during a long winter.  Recharging:  Under a light rain shower.


1)    ROSE QUARTZ:  Excellent for use with animals, especially those from shelters, history of trauma or strays.  In addition for pregnancy and the offspring.  An elixir of water and rose quartz for 8 hours is healing for hyperactive animals.  Recharging:  Sprinkle with a few drops of rose water.

2)    PINK TOURMALINE:  Supporting animals which are unable to procreate and express their emotions.  Recharging:  Use mineral water or burn a bayberry candle.

3)    KUNZITE;  Assists first time pregnancy & minimizes aggression against new offspring.  Recharging:  Place under an early waxing moon.

4)    DANBURITE:  Enhances harmonious relationships between animals & humans in KENNELS, STABLES & CATTERIES. Recharging:  Wrap in pink silk and place in a drawer for 1 day.

5)    RHODOCHROSITE:  Place in the sleeping area of a MISSING pet, they may return.  Recharging:  Smudge with rose scented incense.

6)    RHODONITE:  Soothing for skin ailments and for REPTILES such as lizards and snakes.  Recharging:  Light of a pink candle, fiber optic or lava lamp.

7)    MANGANO / PINK CALCITE:  Encourages mothers to love their babies.  Recharging:  Crescent moonlight or music of natural sounds like the ocean.


1)     CITRINE:  Very helpful for pets settling into a new environment, especially those that have been rescued.  Recharging:  In sunlight from dawn to noon, especially on the summer solstice.  It is a fragile stone, so be careful of too much sun.

2)    YELLOW JASPER:  Brown & sandy colors heal chronic conditions. Supports those from hot climates settle into temperate ones.  Recharging:  Set in a tray of sand or earth in the sun.

3)    RUTILATED QUARTZ:  Great for animals who are CROSS BRED.  Recharging:  Place in a bag overnight with a gold object.  Set in a stone circle for 20 minutes or on a stone in an ancient hillside.

4)    YELLOW CALCITE:  Honey calcite is great for chronic conditions & abused animals.  Recharging:  Smudging

5)    CHRYSOBERYL / ALEXANDRITE:   Usually not used in these forms, but a type which resembles a cat’s eyes does exist in chrysoberyl, the original cat’s eyes. This stone is wonderful for cats especially pedigrees.  Recharging:  Sage smudge or incense set around greenery and away from direct sunlight.

6)    AMETRINE:  Good for ADOLESCENT animals helping them to stay out of trouble.  Recharging:  Place in sunset on the night of a full moon.

7)    SUNSTONE:  Maintaining health of TROPICAL BIRDS, FISH & REPTILES.  Recharging:  Place in the noon day sun for about 1 hour between 11 a.m.-1 p.m.  Place outside on the summer solstice from dawn to noon.

8)    YELLOW ARAGONITE:  Great for animals & birds living in the city.  Recharging:  Place in gentle sunlight for 1 hour.

9)    LEMON CHRYSOPRASE: Assists jealous animals.  Recharging:  place in bath water and visualize negativity being removed as you drain the tub.


1)      AMBER:   Wonderful for older animals as an impetus for their self-healing powers.  Recharging:  Place in sunlight at noon for a few minutes, especially on the summer solstice. 

2)    ORANGE ARAGONITE:   Good for the person to carry when they are training animals, especially HORSES.  Recharging:  Bury in a pot in the earth for 24 hours.

3)    COPPER:   Perfect for a pet who is unable to settle in their new home.  Recharging:  Set under moonlight

4)    CARNELIAN:  Good for quieting an aggressive animal.  Add to the water or collar.  It also encourages shy pets to connect with humans.  Perfect for an AQUARIUM to keep them healthy.  Recharging: In the sunlight or under running water.  It helps to keep it with other stones by cleansing their lower vibrational energy.

5)    ORANGE CALCITE:  Good for pet HENS, DUCKS & RABBITS  to encourage domesticity and responding to their owners.  Recharging:  Place in your bathwater by candle light.  When it is time to let go, it begins to crumble, then you can bury it and say a prayer of gratitude.

6)    MOOKITE:  Settles animals in new locations or situations.  Recharging:  Place in areas of earth power, e.g. stone circles and base of a tree or try sage infusion.


1)      JASPER:  Assists shy animals to defend their territory.  Also supports new mothers to have maternal feelings.   Recharging:  Pass through a red candle flame.

2)    RED AGATE:  Good when mating animals.  Recharging:  Pass through a red candle flame.

3)    RED TIGER’S EYE:  Attach to the collar of a CAT to protect it from those who hate cats.  Recharging:  Place in sunlight from noon until sunset.

4)    RUBY IN ZOISITE:  Encourages animals to learn social restraint while still living with joy & spontaneity.  Recharging:  Sprinkle with rosemary infusion.

5)    GARNET:  Perfect for a pet who is unhappy when left at home.  Recharging:  Charge during moonless or cloudy nights.

6)    BLOODSTONE / HELIOTROPE:  Assists during labor, especially the first time.  Recharging:  Running water or sunlight.

7)    RED AVENTURINE:  Use for overweight pets.  Recharging:  Pass through flames of a matching color candle.


1)      TIGER’S EYE:  Pets who are over-indulged & act as domestic tyrants.  Recharging:  Late afternoon sunlight which increases its’ inner sun.

2)     BROWN ZIRCON:   Deters animals from parasites such as fleas and ticks.  Recharging:  Smudge with sage or rosemary.

3)     DESERT ROSE:  Supportive for animals that are older and / or ill.  Recharging:  Moonlight or smudging with sage or sweet grass.

4)    MAHOGANYOBSIDIAN:  Helps animals to become settled, place near their sleeping spaces.  Recharging:  Late afternoon or autumn sun.

5)    BANDED AGATE:  Reassuring for animals.  Recharging:  Bury in the ground overnight.

6)    PETRIFIED WOOD:  Minimizes illnesses & irritability in older animals.  Recharging:  Place near tall plants or trees for a few hours.

7)    GEODES:  Great for nocturnal animals.  Recharging:  Shine candlelight onto the stone.

8)    PIETERSITE:  Calming for animals DURING STORMS.  Recharging:  Place out in a storm or heavy rainfall.

9)     LEOPARDSKINJASPER/ RHYOLITE:  Great for the bond between CHILDREN AND ANIMALS, especially for a new pet.  Good for cats that are content.  Recharging:  Place outside on a windy day in a safe location.

10)   HOLEYSTONES:  Protective for animals.  Recharging: Cleanse in flowing water, e.g. seawater.

11)  CAT’SEYES:  Inherently perfect for CATS, especially those who are PEDIGREE.  Recharging: Fiber optic lamp, twinkling Christmas lights or stars in the sky.

12)   SMOKY QUARTZ:  Eases pain in older animals and protects those that are nocturnal.  Recharging:  Set on a rock for 20 minutes or at a sacred site to absorb earth energies.


1)     OBSIDIAN:  Desensitizes pets to overreacting to noise and traffic.  Recharging:  Place under various forms of light: sunlight, starlight.

2)     DALMATIANJASPER:  Ultimate for DOGS & ALL PETS . Enhances the healing effects of herbal & flower essences, it protects the animals. Perfect for TELEPATHY  with animals and for learning animal healing.  Recharging:  Place among green flora or between pots of herbs for 24 hours.

3)     JET:   Assists in animals making their end of life transition.  Recharging:  Bury in soil overnight.

4)     BLACKONYX:  Protects animals out at night.  Recharging:  Place in sunlight.

5)     NEBULA:   Facilitates TELEPATHY  with animals.  Recharging: Starlight.

6)     SNOWFLAKEOBISIDIAN:   Great for SLOW MOVING, COLD-BLOODED AND NOCTURNAL creatures.   Recharging:  Place a light and dark colored candles near the stone, allow them to burn until the end.

7)     BLACKOPAL:  Great for GUIDE DOGS and animals with impaired vision.  Recharging:  Keep hydrated by charging in water.

8)      STAUROLITE:   Perfect for DONKEYS and other animals expected to carry a load.  Recharging:  Bury in a pot of earth or sand, or in a garden for 24 hours.

9)      SARDONYX:  Perfect for finding LOST PETS, hold it in your dominant hand and call them.  Recharging:  Sprinkle a clockwise circle of rose petals or rose based potpourri around it and let it remain this way from dawn until dusk. 

10)   LABRADORITE:  Wonderful for GUARD & GUIDE DOGS.  Recharging:  Rainbows in the sky. 

11)    IRON PYRITES:   Good for skin conditions and for REPTILES & INSECTS.  Recharging:  Pass through flame of grey or silver candle.


Stones which are UNSUITABLE for ANIMALS because either it confuses them, the energy is too powerful or there is no information available





5)    PEARL







12)  CORAL





17)  RUBY












Summarized by Dr. Berta Maria Hines

Copyright 2003 Cassandra Eason “The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals: A Comprehensive Guide to 150 Crystals and Gemstones”